Website Style Guide


Company Logo


NOTE: All font sizes are based from the body size, and a browsers default font-size is 16px = 1rem. This site has a body font-size at 14px XL Desktop >= 1200W, and .813rem/13px for<1200W and below, and the "rem" size of elements inside of the body are a percentage of that rem size: 14px/.813rem. SO, an h1 of size 1.25rem is 100% of the body + .25% larger meaning 17.55px >1199W, or 16.25px <1200W;

Body: Montserrat, Noto Sans, sans-serif; font-size: 14px >1199W / .813rem, or 13px <1200W equivalent;

Header Tags

H1 font-size: 1.25rem >1200W 17.5px, <1200W = 16.25px

H2 font-size: 1.1rem >1200W 15.4px, <1200W = 14.3px

H3 font-size: 0.9rem >1200W 12.6px, <1200W = 11.7px

H6 font-size: 0.85rem >1200W 11.9px, <1200W = 11px


primary-color-dark: #8B181A
primary-color-light: #d2ce9e
sbf-charcoal: #616161
very-dark-gray: #4d4d4d
secondary-gray: #4e4b48
secondary-dark-gray: #404040
secondary-blue: #004a88
secondary-light: #f28a00
secondary-black: #0E191C


standard-button: #8B181A
Hover: #616161
standard-reverse-button: #616161
Hover: #8B181A
standard-white-button: #ffffff
Hover: #616161


plain link #909090, font-size: >1200W 14px, <1200W = .813rem / 13px equivalent; dark link #000000, font-size: >1200W 14px, <1200W = .813rem / 13px equivalent; a-primary-color link #3b4459, font-size: >1200W 14px, <1200W = .813rem / 13px equivalent;

Menu Items

Header Nav #6a6a6a, font-size: .9rem >1200W 12.6px, <1200W = .9rem /11.7px equivalent; font-weight: bold; Drop down list #6a6a6a, font-size: .9rem >1200W 12.6px, <1200W = .9rem /11.7px equivalent; font-weight: 400; Drop down hover background: #3b4459, color: #ffffff, font-size: .9rem >1200W 12.6px, <1200W = .9rem /11.7px equivalent; font-weight: 400;


primary-color-dark: #8B181A