Ghee: The Golden Liquid

While ghee may be a recent culinary trend in the west, those in India have been using ghee for centuries. 

Ghee Clarified Butter

What’s ghee?

Commonly used in traditional Indian cooking and Ayurvedic medicine, ghee is a form of clarified butter. Unsalted butter is gently boiled until all the water has evaporated and the milk solids are separated and caramelized. It’s rich in nutrients and free of milk proteins, making ghee a great option for those with a slight dairy sensitivity.

How to use ghee

Ghee can be used whenever butter or oil is called for in recipes. Since ghee has a higher smoke point (450-475F) than butter (350F), it’s ideal for high-heat cooking. Melt and spread on some toast or use it instead of vegetable oil when baking. Drizzle it over vegetables prior to roasting. You can even put some on popcorn!

How to make ghee

What you need


Place butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, and slowly melt over medium-low heat. Stirring occasionally.

As the butter starts boiling, it will begin to separate in three distinct layers: the foam on top, the liquid in the middle, and the milk solids on the bottom. Continue to gently simmer and stir occasionally.

Once the milk solids at the bottom turn a light brown, the liquid is a deep golden-brown color, and a nutty aroma fills the air, the ghee is ready!

Take off the heat immediately. Sprinkle a few drops of cold water.

Let cool for about 15 minutes and separate the milk solids by straining through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer into an air-tight container. The ghee will solidify in a couple of hours.

Store in an air-tight container for up to one month.

Note on storage: Since ghee is free of milk proteins, it can be kept at room temperature if stored in an air-tight container.